Table of Contents
Tyler's wiki
This is the site where I, Tyler Bletsch, write stuff that I want to refer to later. You can refer to it, as well, I guess. Unless it's in the Secret Stage.
Quick links: Win11 - Win 10 - Win 7 - Stuff to install - WSL - Cygwin - MacOS
General stuff
Stolen wisdom
- Save the Cat Beat Sheet - statement of the standard Hollywood screenplay formula
Computer crap
Code: Python, Perl, C, HTML/CSS/JS, PHP
Arduino crap
- SimpleSoftwareServo - a servo control library that works with ATtiny MCUs
- TinyAdafruitPCD8544 - a shrunken text-only driver library for Nokia 5110 LCDs suitable for use on an ATtiny chip
Linux crap
- Installing GateOne on Ubuntu - web-based SSH termal
- Block ads with Privoxy - useful for embedded apps like Boxee
- Video encoding recipes with mencoder and ffmpeg
- Using VPNC and Stunnel (secret stage)
Windows crap
- CYGWIN - Cygwin install cheatsheet (you should probably use WSL instead)
Everything below here is hugely obsolete
Obsolete Windows stuff
RXVT - A decent Windows shell— MinTTY is betterCYGWIN Cron under Windows— Probably dumb
Obsolete Linux stuff
- Installing SABnzbd+ and Deluge on Ubuntu 9.04 (Deprecated)
- Installing Torrentflux-b4rt on Ubuntu 9.04 (Deprecated)
Obsolete Misc stuff
- Hacking the B&N Nook Color
Misc info
You want a good Italian place in Boston? LoConte's on Salem St. in the North End.
Turn off 'linked files' in Windows 7
From here. The dude summarizes the problem: "If I save this web page now it would be saved in two parts a HTML file: blah.htm and a folder with associated content blah_files. If I decide to just keep the HTM file and DELETE the entire image folder I have to break this link between the two otherwise when I delete the image folder the HTML file also gets deleted automatically. Windows treats them as one file. "
In Windows XP, in the folder options there was a setting called Managing pairs of Web pages and folders. Windows 7 hides this option by default.
To bring it back, install this registry patch. The options that control this will now appear in the View tab of the Folder Options dialog (See example on right).
Delayed Windows shutdown
From a command prompt:
shutdown /t XXXXX /s
Where XXXXX is the number of seconds to wait. For more detail on this command, try shutdown /?
Makefile stuff
To write suffix-based rules in Makefiles:
.src.dest: <commands>
If the suffixes in question aren't in the set of built in ones (as given by "make -p -f /dev/null | grep SUFFIXES
"), you can add them with rules of the form:
.SUFFIXES : .a .b
Using awk
Basic syntax:
awk <search pattern> {<program actions>}
svn st | awk '/^\?/ {print $2}' # print names of unknown svn files ps -A | awk '{print $1}' # print all pids
'clear' for cygwin
There's probably a package that provides this, but I just use:
echo -ne '\e[H\e[2J'
SATA Security Erase on Linux
To obliterate all data on a disk (and for an SSD, reset internal state):
hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass test $1 && \ hdparm --user-master u --security-erase test $1
Instant SSH/PPP VPN tunnel
Basically, do the following after doing the setup directions noted here:
/usr/sbin/pppd pty "ssh -t -e none -o 'Batchmode yes' /usr/sbin/pppd" local nodetach silent
For the above, to make it a default gateway, on the client, I did:
sudo route add -host [server-internet-address] gw [normal-default-gateway] sudo route add -net [my-lan]/8 gw [normal-default-gateway] sudo route add default gw [server-ppp-address] sudo route del default gw [normal-default-gateway]
You can get a setup intro and nice script to run it from this HOWTO.
(I may do a full writeup of this eventually)