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Fixing middle click on ThinkPads

In computing's never-ending march to slowly render mad anyone who actually knows how to operate a computer, Lenovo has hidden the option to have the ThinkPad middle click button actually middle click – they think the world is better served with a crappy forced scroll option.

Here's how to repair this needless damage, courtesy of here:

  • In regedit:
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2 : TrackPointMode – change from 1214 to 2214 (hex)
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Synaptics\SynTP\StickPS2 : MiddleButtonAction – change from 0 to 4
  • Reboot
  • Don't mess with the UltraNav settings; they will silently re-ruin these settings

This registry file should automatically make the changes listed above.

fix_middle_click_on_thinkpads.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/07 08:34 by tkbletsc

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