This crap changes every 2 days, but as of Minecraft 1.8.1 and the associated CraftBukkit recommended build on 10-2-2011, you can do the following.
Get (or update) minecraft:
mv -f minecraft_server.jar minecraft_server.jar-`date +%Y%m%d` wget
Get (or update) craftbukkit:
mv -f craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar-`date +%Y%m%d` wget
Get the Essentials plugin from this forum post or this wiki. To install the core pack and group manager, as of right now you can do:
cd plugins wget unzip EssentialsZipDownload rm EssentialsZipDownload wget unzip EssentialsGMZip rm EssentialsGMZip
For full control, add your name to "ops.txt", e.g.
echo "myname" >> ops.txt
If you installed Essentials Group Manager above, you can configure it by changing "plugins/GroupManager/config.yml
" or "plugins/GroupManager/worlds/world/*.yml
". To confirm, editing these files by hand sucks, as does the usability of CraftBukkit in general. ENJOY!
In these scripts, set M to the amount of RAM to allow, in megabytes.
Vanilla server:
#!/bin/sh M=350 java -Xmx${M}M -Xms${M}M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
#!/bin/sh M=350 java -Xms${M}M -Xmx${M}M -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui