Table of Contents

Useful packages and tips for Ubuntu

Tips and notes

  1. Ubuntu doesn't have a root password by default; it prefers to let the account you made do stuff via sudo. If you want a root account, log in with the sudo-capable account, and do "sudo passwd root" to set the password.
  2. Start by using the GUI updater, synaptic, or apt-get to do a full update.


Install these with synaptic or apt-get.



For special purposes


To make KDE your windowing system, choose "Options | Sessions | KDE" from the login screen, and "Make Default" when prompted.

NIS (also known as YP)

To set up NIS:

  1. Set up YP by editing /etc/yp.conf and adding the appropriate line, e.g. "domain <YOUR_DOMAIN> server <YOUR_NIS_SERVER>".
  2. Enable the NIS service by running the "Services" configurator under "Settings", and turning on "Account information resolver (nis)".
  3. Some versions of Ubuntu (including 6.06.1 LTS) aren't configured to use NIS out-of-box. Modify /etc/nsswitch.conf so that the "passwd", "group", and "shadow" lines have the word "nis" at the end of the line. For example: "passwd: compat" becomes "passwd: compat nis".

NFS client

To set up a boot-time mount:

# mkdir /mymount
# TextEditorOfYourChoice /etc/fstab       (insert the following line)   /mymount    nfs     defaults        0 0
# mount /mymount
# ls /mymount


Latex editing

Dual boot with Windows

If you're dual-booting with Windows for some reason, your best bet is to find a dual-boot guide online. Here's the short short version:

  1. Boot into Windows installer
  2. Clear all partitions, make a partition > 4GB for Windows, leave the rest unused.
  3. Install Windows to the partition.
  4. Boot into Linux installer
  5. Claim rest of disk for Linux partitions
  6. Tell Linux's grub to include an option to boot Windows (may be done automatically)