AutoHotKey does input macro programming and keyboard remapping in Windows. Key docs:
Below are some useful recipes. See also:
; General controls: ; Win+Esc to reload ; Win+Shift+Esc to exit ; Win+Ctrl+Esc to exit #Escape::Reload #+Escape::ExitApp #^Escape::Edit ; Win+F12 = Sleep #F12::DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) ; Win+M = toggle mute #m::Send {Volume_Mute} ; Alt+Backtick -> Shift+Win_Right (move window to next monitor) -- a shortcut I used on Ultramon for years !`::Send +#{Right}
; do right win key + whatever to hold that key down (if it's listed below) >#w::Send {w down} >#a::Send {a down} >#s::Send {s down} >#d::Send {d down} >#LButton::Send {LButton down} >#MButton::Send {MButton down} >#RButton::Send {RButton down} >#q::Send {q down} >#e::Send {e down}
All the function gunk around Joy2 and Joy3 is for keyboard auto-repeat of Win+A and Win+S (which I map to winamp volume control elsewhere).
; winamp control (if winamp is running) #If WinExist("ahk_class BaseWindow_RootWnd") ; << this badly named thing refers to winamp Joy1::Send {Media_Play_Pause} Joy4::Send {Media_Stop} Joy6::Send {Media_Next} Joy8::Send {Media_Prev} Joy2:: Send {LWin down}{s down} SetTimer, WaitForJoy2, 30 ; 30ms return WaitForJoy2: if not GetKeyState("Joy2") ; The button has been released. { Send {LWin up}{s up} ; Release the spacebar. SetTimer, WaitForJoy2, off ; Stop monitoring the button. return } ; Since above didn't "return", the button is still being held down. Send {LWin down}{s down} ; Send another Spacebar keystroke. return Joy3:: Send {LWin down}{a down} SetTimer, WaitForJoy3, 30 ; 30ms return WaitForJoy3: if not GetKeyState("Joy3") ; The button has been released. { Send {LWin up}{a up} ; Release the spacebar. SetTimer, WaitForJoy3, off ; Stop monitoring the button. return } ; Since above didn't "return", the button is still being held down. Send {LWin down}{a down} ; Send another Spacebar keystroke. return #If ; EndIf
If you have a second monitor above the main one, this script will help you still be able to click stuff at the top of the screen without accidentally wandering into the upper monitor.
SetupClipCheck() ; enable the mouse confinement system (defined below) ; get access to the winapi ClipCursor function, which limits cursor boundaries ClipCursor( Confine=True, x1=0 , y1=0, x2=1, y2=1 ) { VarSetCapacity(R,16,0), NumPut(x1,&R+0),NumPut(y1,&R+4),NumPut(x2,&R+8),NumPut(y2,&R+12) Return Confine ? DllCall( "ClipCursor", UInt,&R ) : DllCall( "ClipCursor" ) } ; count the number of loop iterations the mouse has been near the top and un-confine the mouse if there's been enough SetupClipCheck() { SetTimer, ClipCheck, 10 return } top_tick_count := 0 ClipCheck: CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseGetPos,x,y ;ToolTip,%x%:%y%:%top_tick_count% If (y < 10) { top_tick_count++ } Else { top_tick_count := 0 } if (top_tick_count>15) { ClipCursor(False) } Else { ClipCursor(True, -10000, 0, 10000, 10000) } return
XButton2::Media_Play_Pause XButton1::Media_Next
Press F7 to toggle auto-clicking over and over as fast as possible.
i:=0 F7::SetTimer, Spam, % (i:=!i) ? "10" : "Off" ; uses ternary Spam: Click Send {LButton} return
Windows by default binds Win+X, Win+B, and Win+Space to stuff I don't care about. The script below will remap these to media keys or other key combos that apps can hook without issue.
; WinAmp+Launchy remaps #z::Media_Prev #x::Media_Play_Pause #c::Media_Play_Pause #v::Media_Stop #b::Media_Next #space::Send ^+{Space} ; ^ Win+Space -> Ctrl+Shift+Space ; old simple winamp remaps -- the newer ones above let it work for non-winamps, such as spotify ;#x::#^x ;#b::#^b
; Auto mouse click: ; Win+Shift+I to auto click slowly ; Win+Shift+Ctrl+I to auto click quickly ; Win+I to auto stop #+i:: SetTimer DoClick,500 SoundBeep 440,100 SoundBeep 660,100 return #+^i:: SetTimer DoClick,50 SoundBeep 440,100 SoundBeep 660,100 SoundBeep 880,100 return #i:: SetTimer DoClick,off SoundBeep 660,100 SoundBeep 440,100 return DoClick: Send {LButton} SoundBeep 200,10 return
The F5 for reload only works if the active file is the most recently opened.
; FoxIt keys: F5=reload #IfWinActive, ahk_class classFoxitReader F5::Send ^w!fr1 #IfWinActive
; Terraria: middle click is turbo left click #IfWinActive, ahk_class MButton:: SetTimer DoClick,50 SoundBeep 880,50 return MButton up:: SetTimer DoClick,off SoundBeep 440,50 return #IfWinActive
The code below will replace the annoying help popup with a low-pitched beep. Change "SoundBeep…" to "Return" for silent operation.
; Suppress F1 in Explorer/Word/Excel -- replace the annoying help popup with a low-pitched beep #IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass F1::SoundBeep 110,100 #IfWinActive ahk_class OpusApp F1::SoundBeep 110,100 #IfWinActive ahk_class XLMAIN F1::SoundBeep 110,100 #IfWinActive
; Ctrl+W = hold W (auto-run) ; Ctrl+LButton = hold LButton (auto-mine) ; Ctrl+RButton = hold RButton (auto-use) ; MButton = Sprint without double-tapping W ; Ctrl+MButton = hold MButton (auto-sprint) #IfWinActive Minecraft ahk_class SunAwtFrame ^w:: Send {w down} SoundBeep 500,100 return ^LButton:: Send {LButton down} SoundBeep 500,100 return ^RButton:: Send {RButton down} SoundBeep 500,100 return MButton:: SetKeyDelay 55 Send {w down}{w up}{w down} KeyWait MButton Send {w up} return ^MButton:: SetKeyDelay 55 Send {w down}{w up}{w down} SoundBeep 500,100 return #IfWinActive