====== Tyler's wiki ======
This is the site where I, Tyler Bletsch, write stuff that I want to refer to later. You can refer to it, as well, I guess. Unless it's in the [[:i:secret_stage|Secret Stage]].
//Quick links: [[:decrapping_windows_11|Win11]] - [[:decrapping_windows_10|Win 10]] - [[:decrapping_windows_7|Win 7]] - [[:i:software|Stuff to install]] - [[:windows_subsystem_for_linux_setup|WSL]] - [[:cygwin|Cygwin]] - [[:macos|MacOS]] //
====== General stuff ======
* [[:recipes|Recipes]]
* [[:poker|Our crazy poker games]]
====== Stolen wisdom ======
* [[:how_to_win_friends_and_influence_people|How to Win Friends and Influence People]]
* [[http://www.thewritersjourney.com/hero's_journey.htm|The Hero's Journey - tldr version]]
* [[:save_the_cat_beat_sheet|Save the Cat Beat Sheet]] - statement of the standard Hollywood screenplay formula
* [[:pixar_s_story_telling_rules|Pixar's story telling rules]]
* [[:teller_s_psychology_of_magic|Teller's psychology of magic]]
* [[http://www.rbcpa.com/Mungerspeech_june_95.pdf|Charlie Munger's 24 Standard Causes of Human Misjudgement]] ([[http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pqzcCfUglws|audio]])
* [[http://boingboing.net/2013/09/11/cognitive-blind-spots-of-silic.html#more-255117|Cognitive blind-spots of Silicon Valley successes]]
* [[:how_to_get_programmers_to_do_anything_you_want_by_scott_berkun|How To Get Programmers to do Anything You Want by Scott Berkun]]
* [[:mr._roger_s_rules_for_communicating_with_children|Mr. Roger's rules for communicating with children]]
====== Computer crap ======
**Code**: [[:python:index|Python]], [[:perl:index|Perl]], [[:c:index|C]], [[:html|HTML/CSS/JS]], [[:php|PHP]]
* [[Factorio blueprints|]]
* [[:getting_a_decent_browser_on_ancient_android|Getting a decent browser on ancient Android]]
* [[:nook_glowlight_4e|Adding general android apps to the Nook GlowLight 4e]]
* [[:firefox_fixes_and_addons|Firefox fixes and addons]]
* [[:fix_full_screen_videos_for_firefox_on_android|Fix full screen videos for Firefox on Android]]
* [[:enable_rsync_on_synology|Enable rsync on Synology]]
* [[:chrome_don_t_use_my_play_pause_button|Chrome, don't use my play/pause button]]
* [[:fix_middle_click_on_thinkpads|Fix middle click on ThinkPads]]
* [[:windows_subsystem_for_linux_setup|Windows Subsystem for Linux setup]]
* [[:image_magick_recipes|Image Magick recipes]]
* [[:autohotkey_recipes|AutoHotKey recipes]]
* [[:efficient_backups_with_rsnapshot|Efficient backups with rsnapshot]]
* [[:firefox_ssh_proxy|Firefox SSH proxy]]
* [[:latex|Latex sucks]]
* [[:using_a_text_terminal_as_another_monitor|Using a text terminal as another monitor]] (weird)
* [[:using_autohotkey_to_map_keys_on_the_amtelco_kb163_unified_keyboard|Using AutoHotKey to map keys on the Amtelco KB163 Unified Keyboard]]
* [[:using_autohotkey_to_make_a_second_mouse_into_a_multimedia_control|Using AutoHotkey to make a second mouse into a multimedia control]]
* [[:google_chrome_gestures|Google Chrome Gestures]]
===== Arduino crap =====
* [[:simplesoftwareservo|SimpleSoftwareServo]] - a servo control library that works with ATtiny MCUs
* [[:tinyadafruitpcd8544|TinyAdafruitPCD8544]] - a shrunken text-only driver library for Nokia 5110 LCDs suitable for use on an ATtiny chip
===== Linux crap =====
* [[Installing Ghidra on Linux|]]
* [[:linux_desktop_setup|Linux desktop setup]]
* [[:make_docker_or_any_other_service_wait_on_nfs_mounts|Make docker (or any other service) wait on NFS mounts]]
* [[:mouse_scroll_wheel_speed|Mouse scroll wheel speed]]
* [[:rc.local_on_modern_systemd|rc.local on modern systemd]]
* [[:installing_gateone_on_ubuntu|Installing GateOne on Ubuntu]] - web-based SSH termal
* [[:block_ads_with_privoxy|Block ads with Privoxy]] - useful for embedded apps like Boxee
* [[:recovery_from_a_multiple_disk_failure_with_mdadm|Recovery from a multiple disk failure with mdadm]]
* [[:running_out_of_inodes|Running out of inodes]]
* [[:starbound_server_quick_start|Starbound server quick start]]
* [[:left_4_dead_2_server_quick_start|Left 4 Dead 2 server quick start]]
* [[:minecraft_craftbukkit_server_quick_start|Minecraft + Craftbukkit server quick start]]
* [[:killing_floor_server_quick_start|Killing Floor server quick start]]
* [[:ventrilo_server_quick_start|Ventrilo server quick start]]
* [[:video_encoding_recipes|Video encoding recipes]] with mencoder and ffmpeg
* [[:how_to_make_the_mail_command_work|How to make the mail command work]]
* [[:there_s_a_dev_file_for_tcp_connections|There's a /dev file for TCP connections]]
* [[:fancy_prompt_cookbook|Fancy prompt cookbook]]
* [[:i:using_vpnc_and_stunnel|Using VPNC and Stunnel]] (secret stage)
* [[:email_alerts_on_low_free_space|Email alerts on low free space]]
* [[:headless_ubuntu_server_with_a_thin_vnc_gui|Headless Ubuntu Server with a thin VNC GUI]]
* [[:https_real_fast|HTTPS real fast]]
* [[:making_a_serial_console_server|Making a serial console server]]
* [[:how_to_make_a_quick_nat_router_on_ubuntu|How to make a quick NAT router on Ubuntu]]
* [[:using_the_linux_iscsi_software_initiator|Using the Linux iSCSI software initiator]]
* [[:making_a_linux_installation_clonable|Making a Linux installation clonable]]
* [[:how_to_make_any_perl_loop_parallel|How to make any Perl loop parallel]]
* [[:how_to_use_sshfs_to_mount_anything|How to use SSHFS to mount anything]]
* [[:how_to_compile_the_linux_kernel|How to compile the Linux Kernel]]
===== Windows crap =====
* [[http://ninite.com/|Install like every useful Windows app ever in one click]]
* [[:decrapping_windows_11|Decrapping Windows 11]]
* [[:decrapping_windows_10|Decrapping Windows 10]]
* [[:decrapping_windows_7|Decrapping Windows 7]]
* [[:cygwin|CYGWIN]] - Cygwin install cheatsheet (you should probably use WSL instead)
====== Everything below here is hugely obsolete ======
===== Obsolete Windows stuff =====
* [[:decrapping_windows_vista|Decrapping Windows Vista]]
* [[:decrapping_windows_xp|Decrapping Windows XP]]
* [[:windows_7_failures|Windows 7 failures]]
* [[:how_to_add_a_network_printer_under_windows_xp|How to add a network printer under Windows XP]]
* [[:making_crappy_usb_bluetooth_dongles_work_with_the_native_windows_xp_stack|Making crappy USB Bluetooth dongles work with the native Windows XP stack]]
* [[:ubuntu_useful_packages_cheatsheet|Ubuntu useful packages cheatsheet]]
* [[:did_you_install_windows_with_a_stock_microsoft_iso_but_need_to_activate_against_a_corporate_kms_server|Did you install Windows with a stock Microsoft ISO but need to activate against a corporate KMS server]]?
* [[:rxvt_-_a_decent_windows_shell|RXVT - A decent Windows shell]] — MinTTY is better
* [[:cygwin_cron_under_windows|CYGWIN Cron under Windows]] — Probably dumb
===== Obsolete Linux stuff =====
* [[:installing_sabnzbd_and_deluge_on_ubuntu_9.04|Installing SABnzbd+ and Deluge on Ubuntu 9.04]] (Deprecated)
* [[:installing_sabnzbd_rtorrent_and_rtgui_on_ubuntu_9.04|Installing SABnzbd+, rtorrent, and rtgui on Ubuntu 9.04]] (Deprecated)
* [[:installing_torrentflux-b4rt_on_ubuntu_9.04|Installing Torrentflux-b4rt on Ubuntu 9.04]] (Deprecated)
* [[:how_to_install_r_on_centos|How to install R on CentOS]]
* [[:installing_sabnzbd_and_deluge_on_ubuntu_10.04|Installing SABnzbd+ and Deluge on Ubuntu 10.04]]
===== Obsolete Misc stuff =====
* [[:ancient_tech_crap|Ancient tech crap]]
* [[:how_to_hack_the_sandbox_game|How to hack the Sandbox game]]
* Hacking the [[:b_n_nook_color|B&N Nook Color]]
* [[:firefox_config_tweaks|Firefox config tweaks]]
* [[:make_a_dd-wrt_bridge_silently_eat_dhcp_traffic|Make a DD-WRT bridge silently eat DHCP traffic]]
* [[:nuvi|Nuvi]]
* [[:bypass_intel_sata_ahci_bios_hang_bug|Bypass Intel SATA AHCI BIOS hang bug]]
* [[:how_to_get_data_out_of_twitter|How to get data out of twitter]]
* [[:restaurants_to_try|Restaurants to try]]
====== Misc info ======
You want a good Italian place in Boston? LoConte's on Salem St. in the North End.
===== Turn off 'linked files' in Windows 7 =====
{{ :mwsnap_2013-01-23_09_37_13.png?direct&200|example}}From [[http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/141877-breaking-html-association.html|here]]. The dude summarizes the problem: "If I save this web page now it would be saved in two parts a HTML file: blah.htm and a folder with associated content blah_files. If I decide to just keep the HTM file and DELETE the entire image folder I have to break this link between the two otherwise when I delete the image folder the HTML file also gets deleted automatically. Windows treats them as one file. "
In Windows XP, in the folder options there was a setting called Managing pairs of Web pages and folders. Windows 7 hides this option by default.
To bring it back, install [[http://dsss.be/f/dat/BreakHTMLassociation.reg|this registry patch]]. The options that control this will now appear in the View tab of the Folder Options dialog (See example on right).
===== Delayed Windows shutdown =====
From a command prompt:
shutdown /t XXXXX /s
Where XXXXX is the number of seconds to wait. For more detail on this command, try ''shutdown /?''.
===== =====
===== Makefile stuff =====
To write [[http://www.fnal.gov/docs/UNIX/unix_at_fermilab/htmldoc/rev1997/uatf-112.html#MARKER-9-1654|suffix-based rules in Makefiles]]:
If the suffixes in question aren't in the set of built in ones (as [[http://www.fnal.gov/docs/UNIX/unix_at_fermilab/htmldoc/rev1997/uatf-116.html#MARKER-9-1666|given]] by "''make -p -f /dev/null | grep SUFFIXES''"), you can [[http://www.fnal.gov/docs/UNIX/unix_at_fermilab/htmldoc/rev1997/uatf-112.html#HEADING112-105|add them]] with rules of the form:
.SUFFIXES : .a .b
===== Using awk =====
Basic syntax:
awk {}
svn st | awk '/^\?/ {print $2}' # print names of unknown svn files
ps -A | awk '{print $1}' # print all pids
===== =====
===== 'clear' for cygwin =====
There's probably a package that provides this, but I just use:
echo -ne '\e[H\e[2J'
===== SATA Security Erase on Linux =====
To obliterate all data on a disk (and for an SSD, reset internal state):
hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass test $1 && \
hdparm --user-master u --security-erase test $1
===== Instant SSH/PPP VPN tunnel =====
Basically, do the following after doing the [[http://rudd-o.com/linux-and-free-software/mola-the-poor-mans-anonymizing-vpn-tunnel-using-ssh-and-pppd|setup directions noted here]]:
/usr/sbin/pppd pty "ssh myinternetserver.com -t -e none -o 'Batchmode yes' /usr/sbin/pppd" local nodetach silent
For the above, to make it a default gateway, on the client, I did:
sudo route add -host [server-internet-address] gw [normal-default-gateway]
sudo route add -net [my-lan]/8 gw [normal-default-gateway]
sudo route add default gw [server-ppp-address]
sudo route del default gw [normal-default-gateway]
You can get a setup intro and nice script to run it from [[http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/VPN-HOWTO/index.html|this HOWTO]].
(I may do a full writeup of this eventually)
====== Links ======
[[http://www.bsdcan.org/2010/schedule/attachments/135_crypto1hr.pdf|Everything you need to know about cryptography in 1 hour]]