Server install guide from [[|here]]. Config info from [[|here]]. **Note: Default port is 21025.** ====== Install ====== At the shell: sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 libpng12-0 cd /path/to/starbound mkdir steamcmd cd steamcmd wget tar zxvf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz chmod +x ./ In steamcmd. WARNING Password will echo when logging in! > login USERNAME > force_install_dir .. > app_update 211820 > exit ====== Configure ====== Back at the shell: cd /path/to/starbound/linux64 ./starbound_server Ctrl+C to exit. This creates the default config file in ''starbound/starbound.config'', JSON style. Key things to change: "serverName" : "WHATEVER", "serverPasswords" : [ "SERVER_PASSWORD" ], ====== Script ====== Server launch script ''go'': cd linux64 ./starbound_server Server update script ''update'': cd steamcmd ./ +login StabbyMcDamage +force_install_dir .. +app_update 211820 +exit