===== Introduction =====
We have a pair of WRT54GL's running DD-WRT as a WDS bridge. It works great, except we both have our own cable modem and routers. Each router functions as a DHCP server. Because we're bridged, this means that we have two competing DHCP servers on the same LAN, so sometimes a machine will pick the other router as it's gateway. This means that Internet traffic would be crammed through our tenuous bridge, making much sadness.
The correct solution is to have separate subnets with routing and blah blah blah.
Screw that. The quick and dirty solution is just to ban DHCP traffic from the bridge.
===== HOWTO =====
Go to Administration | Commands, and paste this:
echo "begin-base64 644 -" > /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "H4sIADwAAAACA5VWz28bVRD+dteON20KG9eq3BJUB21UVy1m2+RQRCO5cX5w" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "yMGHHpAQcr32Eq9wHMveIFAPNSkHDq7wIb1H5R+p0gpx7J8QtaH8EBfuSGbm" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "vbdh8whEHelp9ps3883Mm/ecPFhZXzUMA7EYsPEPAv5Ikc1BdUGgIt7CWSQl" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "i5ejFJY8B2VntjrAecIFPByyLUM2B4cjA43RGDveN6g4HJMD7CxeH9nvo5KT" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "XK9HNva9KsUxPo/fiKvyyMZ7N5hrmrgmVUxHcV0hrmm8OrK3FBfbJmC6FnyK" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "M92P4At7AUuPBsRZwHMPWBq+TXUOHBN5DJzZsg8T5uM8DnfHqHi4ZMHMmpjL" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "+7hWaCKNQW62CFzCy91rTgUW1VSg2gykXdZpwgae3FpDWeRap9oc6qeCPYH5" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "+6LqDZQnd0qeCyqPqWI4D5+vQzXHua6rXBvqTIsqlzzffS9LfiZpORc+y8Oh" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "oWYD/Dycgj90nWXqaUXkuE887B/bc1gRfGzL8YwdiBmniIf5TMU1hV+GjohZ" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "QwbLgsvGgcX+sd1K2A2aCe/xtzybH76fIdsNmtPv47Rr49muTfh9NbcU9kXd" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "V1W/WboLT8lvjIee6wR0ZtLOtbnOipgN4x8pBfN58L0zYl47Xh73HLbpdyR7" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "dEd21N1l31e78bwpXtTmqP14RjnyUXMS+2yXve9x5beBi7Q+vGKjQL1+655s" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "Oy5hF6fKx+a/bX9l8ARvIO/SuvwfXMn9gvX/+wun7LfDRtDpB4tr1XV8EfQ6" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "Qbv2ZdDrh1udxZulhdK8x86l/tebUd0nHfWkbsVfvaBdioKvIvnVrEd1lPx+" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "n+FG2Pl8S9q7zR5Km83A394o1f1w/iahrabYfwO5LN4aMKFwmVY10Z96wHiH" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "1mQi7hMb4LFNqfiUuOvAVYVjipElOXW+OY3vJwrOKz4rwfeB0jHfC+3sY74F" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "2UPXTPjlE37Mx/iOqi+WX8lvoPmxLGr1Hdj8VmR9mUR9qxpfK3W8vnjvrvo2" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "E37uCXmnE72y0B8XfHYCX5KLZYaKOiB9TtWdUmczqfHRm8GnJ/DpYhyr7c9x" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "cs/SoixYGk5reFLDZzQ8oeGM8OB3mBO/fwb99sh3F+M57Q7Ma3hVvyOBH9XC" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "bqmBsBNGNXop2+0AjXZQ72x3Y1irRa2wHyOO4BfXj4JebbMeNVrCtN3RjOLu" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "pUx5j1jPGFJ/p/QLpfdMqelHGGm6SEXSE1OyzzQtjzGtW4xpkLcZn5N98/6y" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "2i/y7InnutKc31T/qjAuKF1W+p7SfwMbOFhxAAkAAA==" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
echo "====" >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64
uudecode /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64 | gzip -cd > /tmp/ebt_ip.o
insmod ebtables
insmod ebtable_filter
insmod /tmp/ebt_ip.o
ebtables -I INPUT -i tap0 -p IPv4 --ip-protocol udp --ip-destination-port 67:68 -j DROP
Then hit "Save commands". Finally, reboot. You can check to see if it works by telnetting in and typing "ebtables -L". You should see:
Bridge table: filter
Bridge chain: INPUT, entries: 1, policy: ACCEPT
-p IPv4 -i tap0 --ip-proto udp --ip-dport 67:68 -j DROP
Bridge chain: FORWARD, entries: 0, policy: ACCEPT
Bridge chain: OUTPUT, entries: 0, policy: ACCEPT
===== What does that crap do? =====
Because we need to hook into the bridging system, iptables is insufficient. [[http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=12372&highlight=ebtables|This thread]] explains that we need to use //ebtables// to do that. This requires 2 included modules: ''ebtables'' and ''ebtable_filter'', plus one module that's not included: ''ebt_ip.o'' (attached in the thread). How can we add this extra module, given that the flash filesystem is read only? Answer: we crap it into the NVRAM as a series of commands.
I took the original ebt_ip.o, and ran "gzip -c ebt_ip.o | uuencode -m -", which means "compress with gzip, then uuencode with base-64 mode". This turns the binary file into safe ASCII. We then wrap all this ASCII in that giant pile of "echo ... >> /tmp/ebt_ip.o.gz.u64" commands. We then decode it back into binary with "gzip -cd ... | uudecode -". Then we load the required modules: ''ebtables'', ''ebtable_filter'', and our hacked up ''/tmp/ebt_ip.o''. Finally, we input the ebtables rule to drop all the DHCP packets it sees.