**(It turns out that rtorrent sucks. Not surprising, given how shitty the interface is. Follow the [[Installing SABnzbd+ and Deluge on Ubuntu 9.04|SABnzbd+Deluge guide]] instead)** ====== Installing SABnzbd+, rtorrent, and rtgui on Ubuntu 9.04 ====== ===== SABnzbd+ ===== SABnzbd+ is a web-based usenet binary downloader that eats NZB files. ==== Paths ==== Here are the paths we'll assume: ^ Path ^ Purpose ^ | /x/usenet/downloads/incomplete | Transfers in progress | | /x/usenet/downloads/complete | Finished transfers | | /x/usenet/dropbox | Place where NZBs get picked up from | ==== Install ==== $ sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus ==== Configure ==== Edit ''/etc/default/sabnzbdplus'' and set: * USER to your username (or the username that sabnzbd should run as). * HOST to (to allow remote access) or (for local access only) * PORT to the port number to listen on (e.g. 8001). Then just go to http://yourserver:8001/sabnzbd to set it up. Don't forget to set: * web credentials * usenet server details * paths (if your root is mounted on flash, you should also move the cache and logs to a hard disk) * download permissions to 0755 if sharing downloads via Samba/NFS ===== rtorrent + rtgui ===== rtorrent is a decent torrent client with a rubbish console interface. rtgui is a web front-end for rtorrent. ==== Paths ==== Here are the paths we'll assume: ^ Path ^ Purpose ^ | /home//.rtorrent.rc | rtorrent config file | | /x/torrent/downloads/incomplete | Transfers in progress | | /x/torrent/downloads/complete | Finished transfers | | /x/torrent/dropbox | Place where torrents get picked up from | | /x/torrent/rtorrent-session | Rtorrent session directory | | /x/torrent/rtorrent.log | Rtorrent log file | | /var/www/rtgui | RTgui installation (assuming /var/www is your web root) | ==== Install rtorrent + rtgui prerequisites ==== $ sudo apt-get install php5 php5-xmlrpc libapache2-mod-scgi rtorrent ==== Configure rtorrent ==== Copy {{:rtorrent.rc|}} to ''~/.rtorrent.rc'' and edit as needed. ==== Start + Autostart rtorrent ==== Start rtorrent: $ rtorrent It should come up without error, and you can press Ctrl+Q to exit. Now we'll set it to start automatically. Add the following to /etc/rc.local (replace with your username): sudo -H -u screen -dmS rtorrent rtorrent This will start rtorrent in a 'screen' session, which you can reconnect to with "''screen -R rtorrent''", if you wish. However, since the rtorrent interface blows infinitely, we'll install rtgui to manage it over the web. Since that just starts it on reboot, start it now with: $ screen -dmS rtorrent rtorrent ==== SCGI ==== rtgui uses Simple CGI (SCGI) to control rtorrent. We have to do a few things to enable it. As root, edit **''/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default''** and add the following before '''': LoadModule scgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_scgi.so SCGIMount /RPC2 If you want to use .htaccess files to apply a password to this, under "''''" change ''AllowOverride'' to ''All''. Restart Apache: $ sudo service apache2 restart ==== Install and configure rtgui ==== Download rtgui from http://code.google.com/p/rtgui/downloads/list and extract: $ sudo tar xzf ~/rtgui-x.x.x.tgz -C /var/www Start with default config: $ cd /var/www/rtgui/ $ sudo cp config.php.example config.php Edit config.php. The only things you should need to change are ''$watchdir'', ''$downloaddir'', and ''$rtguiurl''. ==== Authentication ==== (You must have previously set ''AllowOverride'' to ''All'' in ''/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default'' for this to work.) If you want to require a password for rtgui: $ cd /var/www/rtgui $ htpasswd -c .htpasswd New password: Re-type new password: Then populate .htaccess with: AuthType Basic AuthName "rtgui" AuthUserFile /var/www/rtgui/.htpasswd require valid-user ===== Single dropbox ===== If you want to have a single dropbox folder that works for both NZBs and torrents, we can make ''/x/dropbox'' do this. Download {{:sort-dropbox.pl.txt|sort-dropbox.pl}} to your home directory or whereever. Then make it start as a service on boot by adding this to ''/etc/rc.local'': sudo -H -u /path/to/sort-dropbox.pl -d &