====== Installing SABnzbd+ and Deluge on Ubuntu 9.04 ====== ===== SABnzbd+ ===== SABnzbd+ is a web-based usenet binary downloader that eats NZB files. ==== Paths ==== Here are the paths we'll assume: ^ Path ^ Purpose ^ | /x/usenet/downloads/incomplete | Transfers in progress | | /x/usenet/downloads/complete | Finished transfers | | /x/usenet/dropbox | Place where NZBs get picked up from | ==== Install ==== $ sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus ==== Configure ==== Edit ''/etc/default/sabnzbdplus'' and set: * USER to your username (or the username that sabnzbd should run as). * HOST to (to allow remote access) or (for local access only) * PORT to the port number to listen on (e.g. 8001). Then just go to http://yourserver:8001/sabnzbd to set it up. Don't forget to set: * web credentials * usenet server details * paths (if your root is mounted on flash, you should also move the cache and logs to a hard disk) * download permissions to 0755 if sharing downloads via Samba/NFS ===== Deluge ===== Deluge is a new, fancypants torrent client written in python. The design is very similar to SABnzbd+. ==== Paths ==== Here are the paths we'll assume: ^ Path ^ Purpose ^ | /x/torrent/downloads/incomplete | Transfers in progress | | /x/torrent/downloads/complete | Finished transfers | | /x/torrent/dropbox | Place where torrents get picked up from | | /x/torrent/torrent_archive | Places that torrents get copied to | | /home//.config/deluge/ | Deluge config files (no manual editing needed) | ==== Install deluge from its PPA ==== Deluge is in the regular Ubuntu repository, and maybe that version will be usable by the time you read this, but right now it's 1.1.6, which has a fatal bug in the web UI. If you want to try the one in the default repository, just skip all this and install the "deluge-webui" package. Anyway, we're going to install Deluge from their PPA (Personal Package Archive): https://launchpad.net/~deluge-team/+archive/ppa Pick the 'deb' lines for your Ubuntu version -- I used Ubuntu 9.04 ("jaunty"), so I clicked "Not using Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic)?" to bring up the selector dropdown, then picked "Jaunty (9.04)". If you click "XX", they will give directions on how to use a the GUI tool to add the repository, but I don't have a GUI installed, so just append the line to ''/etc/apt/sources.list'': # echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list Then import the key. Take the number after the slash in the "signing key" (e.g. given "1024R/249AD24C", provide "249AD24C") and use it as the last argument in the command: $ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 249AD24C Then we can update apt and install our crap: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install deluge-webui ==== Run the two parts ==== Deluge has two parts: a daemon that actually does the torrenting (''deluged''), and a front-end (''deluge''). This makes sense if you use the local GUI front-end, but we're setting this up as a server, so we're going to run deluged and the deluge front-end in web UI mode all the time. To start them: $ deluged $ deluge -u web & ==== Configure it ==== Login to http://THE_SERVER:8112/ with the default password **deluge**. Click "Config" and edit things as needed. Change the password, put in the paths specified at the top of this section, set a reasonable bandwidth limit, etc. You may want to switch to the "ajax" template, which is very swanky. (This template is still in alpha, and I wasn't able to change my password with it, so you may want to set all your settings before switching over.) ==== Autostart deluge ==== As root, add the following things to /etc/rc.local: sudo -H -u deluged sudo -H -u deluge -u web -q >/dev/null 2>&1 & ===== Single dropbox ===== If you want to have a single dropbox folder that works for both NZBs and torrents, we can make ''/x/dropbox'' do this. Download {{:sort-dropbox.pl.txt|sort-dropbox.pl}} to your home directory or whereever. Then make it start as a service on boot by adding this to ''/etc/rc.local'': sudo -H -u /path/to/sort-dropbox.pl -d &