a site of old junk I don't maintain any more
(newer site is
Perl Regular Expression Quick Reference by Stephen B. Jenkins
- mirror
RSS iframe generator
- render an RSS feed as HTML in an iframe
CSS Adjuster
- adjust the hue, saturation, or brightness of colors in a CSS file
Image Embed Generator
- use base64 encoding to embed images in HTML
NewEgg Hard Disk Price Tracker
- a simple tracker to summarize NewEgg hard drive pricing
System Report
- a small PHP script that gives basic statistics on Linux hosts
File Vomitorium
- a single-user file upload script
Image Vomitorium
- a single-user image upload script
Plagex: Plagiarism Exterminator
Image hotlinking idiots get enlightened
Create a monitor
Useful Perl Scripts I've Written
Super Mario Assembly Guide
The Enfunker
Google Image Search Puzzles
Philosophomon: Philosophy Pokemon
A Perl puzzle
Using a Palm serial link cable with the Dakota single-use camera
Hitler vs. Stalin comic translation
Dear Future Person
Hex numbers that are English words
PHP MD5 calculator
Quick Emailer tool
Obsolete things
No Flash
- (Use the
addon instead)
Neal's Parmesan Bread recipe (delicious)
(go to
recipe wiki
Neal's Cheeseburger Soup recipe (also delicious)
(go to
recipe wiki
Site maintained by Tyler Bletsch (Tyler.Bletsch AT
Welcome back,!